i dream of being possible

welp. looks like i'm definitely not doing TO's trans march

When organizer Nicki Ward is asked about having members of the Toronto Police join this year’s Transgender March down Yonge Street, she opts to quote a line from Casablanca.

“This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

June 28 will mark the first time the police have participated in the Pride-affiliated Trans March, which began in 2009. Not only will officers join the march, they’ll do so in uniform, complete with adornments in lavender — the official, gender-neutral colour of the event.

Although the board of the Trans March voted unanimously to allow police to march in uniform, it wasn’t easy to reach that consensus. Because trans people are often marginalized, even within the LGBT community, Ward said they’re more likely to have run-ins with police, and those encounters are “not uniformly positive.” source



especially not when i wrote this about the trans march this morning:

it strikes me as almost seeking validation from power, rather than resisting it.

Lol. looks like i was right.

not marching with police. not now, not ever.

fuck you forever trans march TO. fuck you forever.