today i started writing down my blog/topic ideas. i don't tend to forget them often, but...
today i started writing down my blog/topic ideas.
i don”t tend to forget them often, but i”m sticking them in my todo list so that i actually get around to it in a timely fashion.
yes. i”m really taking this writing and being a philosopher seriouslys. 😛
here are some of today”s ideas:
- do the next chapter of whipping girl. yup, you read that right. now that i”m really trying to focus on this writing thing, i”ve decided to actually finish reading that damn book and finish my critical commentary on it. this means it”ll take longer to come out but it”ll be complete!
- write about being ace and my relationship to the identity and the community. this is based off of a friend”s roundabout and gentle criticisms. bc… i write a lot of angry posts about asexuality and whatever but… rarely do i actually talk about being ace. i mean… i don”t talk about it bc i don”t actually identify that way, despite not really experiencing much in the way of sexual desire.
- i”m going to write an essay (probably another long one) on how to decode transbr0s MRA speech.
things to look forward to!