was also talking with someone today about how irritating it is when ppl nitpick on one part of your...
was also talking with someone today about how irritating it is when ppl nitpick on one part of your argument.
(yes, this is a kind of derail)
i think the most amusing thing about that thread is that one of my critics actually used an example that supports the actual point of the post.
If you wanna live your life believing that gum stays in your stomach for 7 years and that vaccines cause autism go live on a mountain somewhere and be wrong all alone.
like. the point i was making about info lit? about how mainstream stuff is considered ‘authoritative” and thus credible? and how this is a bad thing? that ‘checking your facts” isn”t enough to verify truth?
that vaccine thing was in an actual medical journal.
yes, the study has now been disproven. but it was in an actual medical journal. in one of the places ppl tell you that ‘authority” is interchangeable with ‘credibility”.
but whatever. keep worrying about my use of ‘cognitive load”