the funny thing about this recent post stuff about
the funny thing about this recent post/stuff about all these cis gays
going on and on about how trans women have co-opted their movement…
is that you can even see this notion trickling into ‘progressive’ spaces and into some ‘progressive’ discourse
it might seem tedious and annoying to some ppl nowadays for twoc to constantly be saying
“we started this. this is our movement.”
bc a lot of people i know actually know this by know
(but this is self-selecting, bc i don’t think i’d really bother hanging out with anyone who either didn’t know this or was in total denial about it)
bc this isn’t just about being ignorant about history
it is deeper and vaster than this
since the cis gay and cis lesbian rewriting of history
to push a certain narrative about how it was and always will be them
who matter the most
is about a violent process of consolidating power and enforcing hegemony over the discourse
and so we get to this point
where even with ppl who’ll recognize the history of the ~lgbt movement~
will turn around and say
“trans women are getting all the attention”
“trans women are talking up too much space”
“trans women are like the trump card when talking about gender-based oppression”
and, yeah, i’ve seen this said by a white nonbinary agender person who is a Big Name in disability activism
i’ve seen this expressed by a trans man of colour who is a Big Name in trans-activism
Black trans women literally get two high profile role models
and suddenly it is all TOO MUCH
and twoc are getting accussed of playing ~oppression olympics~
coopting movements we started
getting all the media attention and love
despite the very real ongoing reality that
in the US it is Black and/or Latina trans women experiencing the majority of ~anti-lgbt violence~
and globally it is twoc who, yes, are experiencing the most violent oppression
but any assertion by us that we are
and thus deserve to set boundaries (ie, who can and can’t use tranny)
deserve respect, dignity, and safety
but in this zero sum game
any attention given to twoc means
no one else can get attention/safety/dignity/love
so. yeah.
fuck ur umbrella.
fuck all of them.
fuck ~lgbt~
fuck ~mogaii~
fuck ~trans~
fuck ~trans*~
fuck ~transgender~
fuck ~gay~
fuck ~lesbian~
fuck ~queer~