since ive seen a few discussions about
since i’ve seen a few discussions about it…
i’ve mentioned before and i’ll say again:
i fucking hate using the words fe/male to describe myself or other people.
i never do. i don’t actually understand why anyone does. but. people can
use whatever words they want for themselves.
but. why use it for other people ever?
i’ve seen riley’s posts about it and (more recently) someone saying they
don’t like a general equivalence between female/woman, unless expressed
otherwise by a trans woman…
and i need to think more on this
but splitting hairs on this (and what it means for the more biologically
essentiallist ‘female’) is exactly why
trans women need expensive fucking surgery and a billion letters from
doctors, psychologists, etc etc just to change their birth certificates.
and look. i just am remembering a story about the first (and so far only)
trans woman in Vietnam getting her F-status revoked because they managed
to find a loop hole in the law to revoke the legal change.
this isn’t a neutral topic.
and insisting on a strong distinction between
woman and ‘F’
is the source of a lot of serious fucking problems for trans women.
so if you are dfab…
you should really think really fucking hard about how you are mobilizing
this distinction
because… it may turn out that your hurting trans women
(and that is fucking unnacceptable)