script to download a bunch of images from tumblr
#[you can grab the script here](
require 'open-uri'
require 'tumblr_client'
require 'json'
require 'uri'
#this takes the txt file with the photo post URLs where
#you're grabbing the pics from.
file = ARGV
#you'll need to register an app with tumblr to get
#your oauth stuff.
client ={
:consumer_key => '',
:consumer_secret => '',
:oauth_token => '',
:oauth_token_secret => ''
#this reads my text file (from the argument above)
image_id = IO.readlines("#{file[0]}")
#this loop iterates for every line of the file
image_id.collect! do |x|
#this is to parse the URL so we can get data
break_up = URI::parse(x)
#this grabs the path (the part after the domain name)
path = break_up.path
#these two are for removing tumblr's
#/post/ and grabs the post id
first_pass = path.gsub(//post//, "")
post_id = first_pass.gsub(//.*$/, "")
#this is to grab the hostname of the blog.
host =
#this is the api call. since photosets can only
#have 10 pics, that's the limit.
all_data = client.posts("#{host}", :id => post_id, :type => "photo", :limit => 10)
#gets the post data
post_data = all_data.fetch("posts")
#hashes that data
post_hash = Hash[post_data[0]]
#grabs the value for 'photos'
photos = post_hash.fetch("photos")
#Pics from a tumblr post come in many sizes, so this
#is actually its own hash and this loop iterates over that hash.
photos.each do |i|
#this gets the data for the highest resolution image
original = i.fetch("original_size")
#this grabs the image URL
original_url = original.fetch("url")
#this is to write the file (eg, download the image)
#to your current dir."#{post_id}" + ".jpg" || ".png", 'wb') do |f|
f.write open("#{original_url}").read