in another way, what happened yesterday was an interesting example? case study? of a different set...
in another way, what happened yesterday was an interesting example? case study? of a different set of ideas i”ve been exploring for a few years now.
mainly the problem that within teh Discourse we have no ways of talking about or addressing interpersonal problems that fall short of abuse. so, instead, we put everything into an abuse framework even if it doesn”t really seem to fit.
like me mentioning how i don”t like and agree with a person? is levelling abusive accusations? how.
despite the fact that i”ve never directly interacted with this person. that this person isn”t even on the social network where i articulated my disagreement and dislike. and yet. i”m still managing to abuse them?
really. stuff like this is exactly why i don”t bother with any level of ‘community” involvement anymore.