25k NHS sex change ops to turn me into Rihanna
£25k NHS sex change ops to turn me into Rihanna [serious TW for transmisogyny in this story]:
So. I wasn’t going to say much on this story when it came across my feed yesterday…
but then I got to thinking about how Ms. Magazine recently shamed Rhinna.
And, of course, i’ve been hearing for absolute fucking years that Rihanna is a terrible feminist, has little of value to offer women, blah blah blah racist feminist garbage blah blah
So. Will any white feminist actually discuss mention (or, fuck, even notice) that
For at least one girl
Rihanna managed to give her strength and inspiration to actually be herself?
(yes, i know white feminism hasn’t been listening since forever about how many Black women have been discussing the value of Rihanna)
This article is full of bullshit cissexism and transmisogyny. But. If you read closely, you’ll see a young girl inspired to be everything by a mere pop star. You’ll see that her mom was supportive and that she has friends and romance.
(but stories like this don’t and won’t sit well with feminists)
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