Posts by biyuti/b. binaohan/mxbees:
2018-02-11 - i dont even know
2017-11-22 - it was tdor(tm) and i forgot
2017-09-03 - what libraries are and what libraries should be
2017-08-23 - on connecting speech to action
2017-08-19 - on misguided attempts to placate white ppl
2017-06-23 - the slip and slide of depression metaphors
2017-06-21 - for what its worth (or an email i wrote explaining why i haven't been writing as much)
2017-06-20 - how i failed to get accommodations at work (or how work failed me...)
2017-06-15 - that funny moment when i almost kind of agree with a crusty white trans woman
2017-06-12 - this is me trying to write but really just rambling about my health
2017-05-29 - creativity is not a function of my mental illness
2017-05-25 - i forget sometimes
2017-05-22 - duck sex, patriarchy, and why scientists shouldn't write about culture
2017-05-17 - how do i ask for accommodations for accommodations?
2017-05-16 - working out how nortriptyline killed my creativity
2017-05-11 - planning on a better tomorrow
2017-04-09 - headache med no.2
2017-04-04 - gentle nudges and trying to stay on the path
2017-03-31 - two words i'm coming to hate: lifestyle changes
2017-03-27 - a gentle reminder that i don't put trigger warnings on personal posts
2017-03-24 - have i mentioned how much i hate fucking as praxis?
2017-03-23 - social media as irl social lubricant
2017-03-22 - i finally just realized my biggest issue with most ideologies
2017-03-19 - analytic philosophy as a cautionary tool
2017-03-17 - there's a tattoo on my face
2017-03-17 - after days of being silly i remember that my blog is my blog and i can do what i want
2017-03-16 - upon realizing u need a medical knight (er advocate)
2017-03-15 - dys/functionally disabled
2017-03-14 - on the conundrum of little trans girls by @mxbees
2017-03-14 - on oranges, apples, gender, and race by @mxbees
2017-03-14 - On Adichie's "Trans women are trans women" by @mxbees
2017-03-14 - how the entire discussion of male privilege and trans women is a rhetorical trap
2017-03-14 - dear doctors who want me to change my 'lifestyle' (read eating habits)
2017-03-13 - This site is being flooded by CRAP. Who listens to this drivel?
2017-02-25 - Cherry picking and i hate really fucking hate repeating myself
2017-02-09 - everything is so much
2017-01-31 - LIS Mental Health Week - i'm still a fucking mess
2017-01-14 - mm romance and queer fatalism
2017-01-06 - in which i answer 10 questions about 2016 bc Lisa did it first
2016-12-19 - can we finally ditch the ala?
2016-12-17 - why i don't really talk about being non-binary anymore
2016-12-08 - maybe one day we'll stop assuming kids (and others) are stupid
2016-12-07 - on the problem of fake news and info lit
2016-12-03 - there are no such things as facts - post-truth and post-modernism
2016-12-01 - how i became a liberal apologist and how i became a malayaist
2016-11-25 - my letter to u of t about inequities in the application process
2016-11-09 - its funny how my identity is an opinion
2016-10-26 - whence my trans body? some notes on medically transitioning
2016-10-19 - how to sip from a poisoned well
2016-10-16 - perhaps it is time to be silent
2016-10-09 - on white feminism as an ideology
2016-10-04 - beyond the personal being political
2016-08-28 - speaking out makes it harder to speak out
2016-08-25 - my discourse is better than yours
2016-08-18 - college AUs and the good life
2016-08-13 - the biggest obstacle to diversity in libraries
2016-08-07 - plagiarism as a silencing tactic
2016-07-31 - in which i vent my frustration with doctors and how we treat chronic illness (again)
2016-07-25 - thinking about how identity politics is the new politically correct
2016-07-20 - musings into why race as biological destiny is more entrenched than gender
2016-07-19 - not showing up as praxis
2016-07-18 - my biggest ambition is to buy fresh broccoli
2016-07-16 - goodbye patreon
2016-07-16 - ~being trans has nothing to do with it~ is a weak argument against confirmation bias
2016-07-15 - agoraphobia as mobility reducer - musings on pokemon go and the false 'physical' vs 'mental' disability distinction
2016-07-12 - awareness as theatre and the problem of chronic crises
2016-07-07 - how i learned to breathe under the crushing weight of oppression and activism
2016-06-29 - feeling good
2016-06-22 - how can you tell if someone claiming an identity is telling the truth?
2016-06-20 - grumble theory and praxis are the same mumble mumble
2016-06-19 - how i walked away from 50k
2016-06-18 - do i want to be a cyborg woman?
2016-06-17 - 50 matthew sheppards - how white queers consume and whitewash a qtpoc tragedy
2016-06-14 - i don't need pride, i need freedom
2016-06-12 - why ironic hipster racism is dangerous
2016-06-11 - officially a bitter faux-academic librarian
2016-06-08 - mixing some catholicism into anito
2016-06-08 - desperately seeking diagnosis
2016-06-07 - imposter syndome as normative expectation
2016-06-06 - liberalism beyond the enlightenment
2016-06-03 - when you're the monster in the bathroom stall
2016-06-02 - i hate to travel but i'm always looking for a home
2016-05-30 - internalizing failure
2016-05-29 - power, love, and relationships
2016-05-21 - when did u first realize u were a girl?
2016-05-19 - if i had one wish for the discourse
2016-05-18 - i, a happy heterosexual
2016-05-17 - intellectual labour, open access, and scholarly communication
2016-05-16 - on reading asexual romances
2016-05-15 - i used to be brave
2016-05-14 - i'm fucking sleepy and fuck moral panic about over-prescribing doctors
2016-05-14 - the looming spectre of the sjw
2016-05-14 - it lives again
2016-05-09 - updates on the website and other important things
2016-05-08 - the role of logical fallacies in sjw discourse
2016-05-07 - the curse of whiteness studies
2016-05-07 - living your truth - a double edged sword
2016-05-07 - in which i think about my ~brand~
2016-05-06 - to bare your soul
2016-05-05 - the free-loader problem
2016-05-04 - the legal system will not save us -- trans women and access to public spaces
2016-05-03 - a plague on all your houses, hopefully my last thoughts ever on inclusion politics
2016-05-02 - value in the age of capitalism -- musings of a fake academic librarian
2016-05-01 - my experience of having a putatively ~mainstream~ gay
2016-04-30 - it can't be all about oppression (or can it?)
2016-04-29 - what if diversity isn't enough to save libraries?
2016-04-27 - on the unintended consequences of trans*nationalist discourse
2016-04-26 - more thoughts on corporate grandstanding and bathroom laws
2016-04-25 - we've always been where?
2016-04-23 - the curious case of the brown race
2016-04-22 - citations, authority, and praxis
2016-04-22 - after five short years (rumminations of a ladyboy in love)
2016-04-21 - from small to extra large
2016-04-21 - an apology to youth
2016-04-20 - the many layers of being a hairy ladyboy
2016-04-20 - not queer as in radical, but gay as in revolutionary
2016-04-17 - umbrellas and domains of discourse (complete with venn diagrams!)
2016-04-15 - in case anyone was wondering, this is what scratch looks like
2016-04-15 - enby vs trans woman -- or reason 20893 why white trans women need to stfu
2016-04-14 - Listening to Audible books on Linux
2016-04-10 - in which i envy fictional characters
2016-04-09 - i'm suicidal (2016 edition)
2016-04-05 - the silence around being suicidal
2016-04-05 - how to be a coder (or something)
2016-04-03 - maybe not so liberal afterall (or maybe...)
2016-04-02 - cutting my nose
2016-04-01 - on the incommensurability of values
2016-04-01 - maladaptive strategies (or i whine about how hard life is)
2016-03-31 - for those forgotten on purpose
2016-03-31 - facebook, economic pressure, and opppressive legislation
2016-03-29 - post-modernism and hegemonic worldviews
2016-03-28 - we are the 99%
2016-03-27 - sloth -- the speed of my thought
2016-03-27 - books, oh books
2016-03-25 - nothing but rocks and hard places
2016-03-22 - on wanting freedom (confessions of a stealth liberal)
2016-03-21 - update on the socialization of bodies
2016-03-20 - terminology update
2016-03-16 - back to writing tomorrow
2016-03-06 - the place of personal narratives
2016-03-06 - ruminations on another year gone
2016-03-05 - the limits of open [source|access]
2016-03-03 - in which all political distinctions collapse
2016-03-02 - rethinking community
2016-03-02 - a terrible epiphany and recognizing my failure to accountable
2016-02-26 - an armchair lawyer's perspective on bathroom laws
2016-02-25 - problematic pasts and growing up
2016-02-24 - when you're not *that* disabled
2016-02-22 - accessibility and language
2016-02-21 - on the Future of Libraries
2016-02-19 - meditations on abuse, oppression, social justice, community, and ethics
2016-02-17 - 9 Strategies for Navigating Internet Drama
2016-02-15 - how could i be racist? -- a racist white man
2016-02-13 - ideological purity and dealing with the devil
2016-02-11 - once upon a time i was an un/popular defendent
2016-02-11 - trying to be spiritual after years of atheism
2016-02-03 - what is neo-masculinism?
2016-01-30 - vague thoughts about the Thing that happened last year
2016-01-21 - how white men are always rational and Black ppl always unreasonable
2016-01-20 - revisiting the notion of intent
2016-01-20 - open letter to pc mastercard
2016-01-19 - it was not i, it was the weapon
2016-01-19 - an
2016-01-13 - srsly? do ppl really underestimate how fucking difficult it is to get employed as a twoc? and...
2016-01-10 - making my peace with being a liberal
2016-01-09 - When will someone take the microphone from white trans women? Like. Can you all just stfu and stop...
2016-01-09 - like. i cis ppl and their shitty discourse has totally had a negative impact on teh community but...
2016-01-01 - The Year of Burning Bridges
2015-12-25 - on domestic violence and twoc
2015-12-23 - apparently my insomnia has decided to intensify for the winter break, which is a nice treat i...
2015-12-19 - you know. i never actually used to think that i had a problem with impulse control. but i very...
2015-12-19 - yeah. ok. my world is kind of being rocked by the realization that i'm impulsive. as my brain...
2015-12-19 - the other thing that this whole 'shave ur head' thing is really messing with is my...
2015-12-18 - so. i had my consultation to get tits today. i took an ativan bc i was getting super anxious and...
2015-12-18 - a small lesson on consent for mm writers
2015-12-13 - the problem of racism and diversity in m/m
2015-12-13 - media for the anxious
2015-12-05 - authority by way of identity
2015-12-03 - my break up with gumroad
2015-11-29 - some initial observations towards a general theory of abuse
2015-11-28 - small collection on navigating harm
2015-11-23 - meta intellectual dishonesty
2015-11-23 - here is a list of things i don't do criticize ppl and purposefully tag them and/or @ them so..
2015-11-23 - fair warning about my abusive behaviour
2015-11-21 - allergies, disability justice, and accessbility
2015-11-21 - Suggestions for how to accommodate for allergies
2015-11-21 - so. there's this weird thing that i see (mostly) in activist circles concerning scent-free...
2015-11-21 - so i think i managed to work myself up into an existential crisis or whatever about my...
2015-11-20 - was also talking with someone today about how irritating it is when ppl nitpick on one part of your...
2015-11-20 - the competing rights derail
2015-11-20 - i think one of the things about having deep knowledge about certain areas is how often, when i share...
2015-11-20 - cynicism for the privileged
2015-11-17 - on white middle class tattooing aesthetics
2015-11-17 - mencius and the sprouts of virtue
2015-11-17 - loaded questions and framing teh Discourse
2015-11-16 - there is on aspect to the anon critiques i got last week that i want to spend a moment discussing,...
2015-11-15 - just got another comment on my info lit post. "just don't reblog things if u...
2015-11-15 - its trans awareness week or some junk. tdor is also in five days. this may (or may not) be the only...
2015-11-15 - i'm seeing a few posts about how to 'fact check' things you see on tumblr, as well...
2015-11-14 - thinking some more about this reactionary backlash to student activism, or rather activism of any...
2015-11-14 - one of the things that's been going around my brain for a few days is that, at least at this...
2015-11-14 - On Neglect, Pt 03
2015-11-14 - after how i slept last night… i officially give up. i took a nap yesterday bc i realized...
2015-11-13 - The Newer Intolerance of Student Activism
2015-11-13 - so. this year has been interesting since i've learned (or confirmed) four things about how my...
2015-11-13 - So. The whole bathroom thing is a huge topic again bc of what happened in Houston. And, sadly,...
2015-11-13 - a request and plea
2015-11-10 - zhuangzi on discourse
2015-11-10 - yesterday i posted some links to a newly coined term, "aphantasia”. now, as the...
2015-11-10 - so now that the fun of the past few days appears to be over, i think i'll make this final post...
2015-11-10 - realsocialskills posted something about fixing what you can and living with the rest. my comment was...
2015-11-10 - in my news feed i saw a bunch of article about the 'drop the t' petition. i'm...
2015-11-09 - so. yesterday was interesting, eh? to recap i post some of my thoughts on gender nihilism
2015-11-09 - in another way, what happened yesterday was an interesting example? case study? of a different set...
2015-11-09 - i'll also admit that i pretty much stop listening whenever i see any variation of...
2015-11-08 - today's been interesting. actually been a while since my big mouth landed me into trouble. the...
2015-11-08 - so. like. in my post about nihilism, i use the theological worldview of chrisitanity as a way to...
2015-11-08 - pluralism and dialogue
2015-11-08 - on the premises of gender nihilism
2015-11-08 - i wonder how many other genderkills stans will come out of the woodwork claiming other outrageous...
2015-11-08 - i feel like taking a moment to reflect on why i rarely talk about 'spoons'. in a lot of...
2015-11-08 - i can't get over this. critizing a thing is now silencing. dissent is apparently unallowed in...
2015-11-07 - just saw a post on tumblr talking about how writing (or at least most writers) are generally...
2015-11-06 - i just saw something talking about the stereotypes that asexuals have. do aces even have...
2015-11-06 - i don't usually write about my relationship publicly. but i feel like… there's...
2015-11-06 - elsevier and value added services
2015-11-03 - it suddenly occurs to me that some ppl might not understand or see the full implications of the fact...
2015-11-03 - i'm seeing references to Yet Another Thinkpiece On Why Trigger Warnings Are Ruining Higher...
2015-11-02 - on forgiveness
2015-11-02 - i just read this article (that i won't bother linking to since it is transmisogynist garbage)...
2015-11-02 - i have to say that i really do enjoy (lol) the glorious contradictions that my brain...
2015-11-01 - seeing a post going around (which i'm only not commenting on directly bc it appears to be...
2015-11-01 - my brain is still kind of stuttering on the post i made yesterday about disability, class, and...
2015-11-01 - i don't think i'll ever stop being amused about the fact that i'll listen to a...
2015-10-31 - script to download a bunch of images from tumblr
2015-10-31 - it really is exhausting when u learn enough and have thought through enough things to realize that...
2015-10-28 - just saw more on the germain greer 'controversy'. and. its the same old thing. crusty...
2015-10-28 - i saw another tweet variation of the olde 'y r condoms free but tampons not' thing. this...
2015-10-28 - i find myself perturbed again by that post that claimed that… what ppl on tumblr shame...
2015-10-27 - sooo. for a long while now, i've been hallucinating this smell.
2015-10-27 - i just say 'no' to internet ads
2015-10-26 - Now that I'm sharing images of myself, I realized that I...
2015-10-26 - i'm thinking about putting up a picture of me from 7 years ago or something. one where...
2015-10-26 - I really hate that we live in a world where anytime a kid expresses interest in any fucking thing, ...
2015-10-26 - does everyone like how cheerful i'm being this morning? lol i really meant it yesterday that...
2015-10-25 - was just realizing that i think i've really come to accept that this world wants me...
2015-10-25 - too hard vs adulting
2015-10-25 - i was talking with someone the other day about why being known as a 'philosopher' was...
2015-10-25 - fuck false positivity
2015-10-24 - some thoughts on the PH and the history of racism
2015-10-23 - sooo. to solve a certain problem, i recently started using google music. the problem was this:...
2015-10-23 - some thoughts on ideological purity and teh law
2015-10-23 - i read a kind of depressing article the other day. it pretty much suggests that i'm not going...
2015-10-22 - this is me, being a geek
2015-10-21 - i guess on one level it is a good thing to know that most trans women would find my body...
2015-10-20 - Seeing a picture on tumblr of a white male model with tattoos on his face and hands and I'm...
2015-10-20 - i think one of my favourite things of being a non-cis coding ladyboy is the calculations i end up...
2015-10-19 - Xunzi and teh Discourse
2015-10-19 - Unsurprisingly, someone responded to my 'i'm not an artist' post yesterday with a...
2015-10-19 - today i saw two posts about how queer is a slur and ppl should act accordingly… of course,...
2015-10-18 - This past weekends word festival thing that I was participating in, is (I think) the first time I...
2015-10-18 - why everything isn't a text
2015-10-18 - other notes about today's panel on 'writing as resistance' ppl really can't...
2015-10-18 - One of the things I find frequently interesting is how much ppl pushback when I tell them that...
2015-10-18 - just saw that super gross post on tumblr with this like… bragging checklist of all the STIs...
2015-10-18 - its taken me quite a while to sort out my deal with socializing. i used to say that i was...
2015-10-18 - In some ways, I don't quite understand the topic of this panel. Especially within this...
2015-10-17 - while there are a lot of things i don't like about many fandoms (see racism and...
2015-10-17 - omg. i was about to complain about seeing a certain white trans woman that i hate on my dash (on...
2015-10-17 - it is official - i cannot spend lots of time around many people
2015-10-17 - i think i decided that i'm going to read something different than i read on thursday....
2015-10-16 - Now that I've made my official debut as real writer in the real world, I figure now is a good...
2015-10-16 - it feels king of weird now. being able to talk about whatever in my life without having to worry...
2015-10-16 - i think the most surprising thing that happened last night is what didn't happen
2015-10-15 - Today. Today I'm doing my first public reading as a writer. I'm still feeling super...
2015-10-15 - this is also what I look like tonight. I can't believe...
2015-10-15 - so. I just did the thing. it was weird but I did it and now it's...
2015-10-15 - on neglect, pt 02
2015-10-15 - in today's wonderful example of cis white feminist boring attempts to be critical. for those...
2015-10-14 - i don't think i'll ever stop being irritated and frustrated by ppl with mental illnesses...
2015-10-13 - still shaking my head at that post that claimed the whites in the appalachian mountains were...
2015-10-13 - so i took a look at the huge queue of news i haven't been reading and read a few things...
2015-10-13 - i don't think it'll ever stop being such super fun thing to see whites continuously...
2015-10-12 - so… the past few days have been kind of interesting/weird? i wrote about 4k words on the...
2015-10-12 - on neglect, pt 01
2015-10-11 - honestly. i don't even bother to look at most of the 'cruelty free'...
2015-10-10 - so… i'm getting into numerology (in the hopes that i find some way to appropriately...
2015-10-10 - just saw a post where the person was all "zomg! tumblr haz reduced disability discourse to a...
2015-10-10 - its weird. i know some ppl who think that saying 'u can't say x word, bc its...
2015-10-10 - i reiterated a point i've made before on twitter yesterday… what do ppl actually think...
2015-10-08 - remembering why i don't often try to do research into child neglect. why the fuck is it so...
2015-10-07 - my socialization post is going around again and i'm getting some interesting...
2015-10-07 - i still can't get quite over how ppl have the strangest ideas about socialization. bc that...
2015-10-06 - i've been thinking lately that maybe i need to be more sympathetic to ppl in the closet. i...
2015-10-03 - surveillance isn't the answer
2015-10-03 - racism was a science
2015-10-02 - so i said i might try to describe how i've been interacting with with medical professionals...
2015-10-02 - My research into understanding why I've been having the discussions of race that I have is...
2015-10-02 - Currently reading this article "Whiteness and the Historians'...
2015-10-01 - on panic attacks
2015-09-30 - soooo. like. i know i said i'm back from hiatus. but i guess i've just been consumed by...
2015-09-28 - thanks to everyone replying to the post about racism/race (i stopped using xkit so i cant actually...
2015-09-28 - i started researching for a longer essay about race. and honestly? i'm already exhausted. i...
2015-09-27 - i always love it when ppl accuse trans ppl of rubbing their faces in our gender. bc the situation...
2015-09-21 - sooooo. someone sent me a link to a post by some radfems talking about how pointing out that they...
2015-09-19 - in shocking news, white trans lady is an imperialist
2015-09-19 - dolly parton and weaponized femininity
2015-09-18 - the stigma is on trans women, not dating us
2015-09-17 - At one point you randomly mentioned that you think Andrea Smith doesn't quite grasp orientalism (and maybe also antiblackness?) properly with regard to how she creates the "3 pillars" model. If it's something that's ok for you to talk about, would you explain that?
2015-09-14 - Holding on to yourself when Dealing with Ideological Puritans
2015-09-13 - honestly? i've said before that i'm not particularly concerned about cis actors playing...
2015-09-13 - 4 Ways to Spot an Ideological Puritan
2015-09-12 - how dolezal isn't 'trans'
2015-09-12 - a small thought about survival
2015-09-11 - i'm somewhat miffed by that white trans woman getting a settlement for being asked 'what...
2015-09-09 - So the whole thing in Nebraska is concerning. In part because the community 'leaders'...
2015-09-07 - what queer is or get off my lawn
2015-09-06 - i did want to spend a moment describing what it was like being ace before asexuality was the robust...
2015-09-05 - So I'm a little miffed, still, about that comment about my writing (well, a comment about how...
2015-09-04 - i'm finding the current reactions to tumblr's update for how to display...
2015-09-04 - i want to spend a little time digging into my relationship with 'asexual' as both...
2015-09-03 - The Secret to Decoding Transbr0 Rhetoric
2015-09-01 - today i started writing down my blog/topic ideas. i don't tend to forget them often, but...
2015-08-31 - Regarding your "transbr0 MRA" post, I don't see why that's problematic. Maybe I'm just ignorant, but most of those quotes seem pretty okay. Could you explain where the problem is? Thanks
2015-08-31 - based on a conversation i had earlier today, i just wanted to clarify a few things about what...
2015-08-30 - Words from the sistergirls of the Tiwi Islands
2015-08-30 - The Etiquette Guide for Surviving the Workplace for Autistic People of Colour
2015-08-30 - here's a little collection from transbr0 MRA twitter....
2015-08-30 - Alright, transbr0 MRAs, you wanted more media attention and now you have it. Today I read one story...
2015-08-29 - where is mya hall
2015-08-29 - update on life and stuff
2015-08-29 - universal white philosophy
2015-08-29 - the market place of ideas
2015-08-29 - the last frontier in sexual bigotry transgender rights la times
2015-08-29 - the advocate and the mainstreaming of trans mras
2015-08-29 - steps towards an angst free breakup with your parents
2015-08-29 - some thoughts on mm tropes gay cops and bareabacking
2015-08-29 - reflections on de racialization in the three pillars
2015-08-29 - predictions for us based lgbt organizations
2015-08-29 - op ed why labeling others as privileged isnt helping trans activists advocate com
2015-08-29 - on intergenerational abuse
2015-08-29 - on hurt ppl hurting ppl
2015-08-29 - ok! i've officially made this tumblr my 'main' blog. something which has never...
2015-08-29 - ideological purity
2015-08-29 - idahot 2015 homoimperialism and progress
2015-08-29 - 'i'm not cis', a white cis gay
2015-08-29 - i also changed blog platforms
2015-08-29 - defending the right to oppress
2015-08-29 - comments on being safe being me the national canadian trans health report
2015-08-29 - Clarifying Intent
2015-08-29 - a relatable, humanizing champion
2015-08-28 - Changes and Re-prioritizing my time
2015-06-29 - some thoughts on m/m tropes - gay cops and barebacking
2015-06-19 - on the ethics of disclosure
2015-06-15 - my small, vocal message to white trans women 'leaders', fuck you
2015-06-05 - on feelings and the ideal agent
2015-05-29 - universal (white) philosophy
2015-05-19 - #BlackAsianSolidarity, 'women of color' and 'people of color blindness'
2015-05-17 - IDAHOT 2015 - homoimperialism and progress
2015-05-16 - why i don't respond or listen to 'criticism'
2015-05-15 - clarifying intent
2015-05-08 - the start of the gay rights movement (or the birth of Gay Inc)
2015-05-07 - comments on "being safe, being me", the national canadian trans health report
2015-04-30 - a relatable, humanizing champion
2015-04-10 - umbrellas, reclaiming slurs, and community
2015-04-09 - defending the right to oppress...
2015-04-07 - bad actors, the freeloader problem, and transmisogyny
2015-04-06 - twitter collection on who gets arrested for murdering Black trans women
2015-04-06 - twitter collection on trans day of visibility
2015-04-06 - on nordicism, racism, and white supremacy
2015-04-06 - a general thank you to tala for taking on the
2015-04-05 - who gets caught for transmisogynist hate crimes?
2015-04-03 - The last frontier in sexual bigotry transgender rights -- LA Times
2015-03-30 - update on life and stuff
2015-03-30 - Proposed Vegas school transgender policy bars staff from telling parents --
2015-03-30 - Why Labeling Others As 'Privileged' Isn't Helping Trans Activists |'
2015-03-29 - Transgender woman booted from city restroom | The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer
2015-03-29 - reflections on de-racialization in the 'three pillars'
2015-03-28 - harassing trans teen girls
2015-03-27 - incite, transparency, accountability, and transmisogyny
2015-03-27 - i also changed blog platforms (again)
2015-03-18 - like the idea that naming ppl with penises is
2015-03-18 - ill say it as much as needed though trans
2015-03-16 - initial thoughts on trans*nationalism
2015-03-15 - i posted this on facebook the easiest way to
2015-03-14 - on social constructionism as a white hegemonic framework
2015-03-08 - asians and visibility
2015-03-04 - femme resistance and compliance
2015-03-01 - the parallels and intersections between anti-Black misogyny and transmisogyny
2015-02-26 - yungmeduseld the post about misogynoir and
2015-02-26 - the performative disappearance of trans women
2015-02-21 - wait. what's so bad about being a snowflake again?
2015-02-09 - life beyond being broken i feel like this post
2015-02-07 - y u asking for my receipts like the IRS?
2015-02-06 - models that erase nonbinary ppl
2015-02-02 - i continue to have feels about batok
2015-02-01 - not for white ppl
2015-01-31 - batok and filipinx appropriation
2015-01-30 - comment made on fb re a status that says that
2015-01-28 - one the importance of @janetmock and @lavernecox
2015-01-25 - my experience being hospitalized for depression
2015-01-24 - i know there are some cultural variations and
2015-01-24 - also comments on corporal punishment arent an
2015-01-22 - what happened to the blogger formerly known as biyuti?
2015-01-18 - omg julia serano responded to one of my excerpts
2015-01-18 - just pulling in information from the wikipedia
2015-01-17 - patreon post 2 -- on my high-tech twitter setup
2015-01-17 - id like to state for the record that i really
2015-01-16 - i will say this re the whole do not women
2015-01-14 - the state assigns sex at birth
2015-01-13 - the context of race
2015-01-12 - every so often i read a response to one of my
2015-01-11 - scientific racism, eugenics, and modern race discourse
2015-01-10 - quick reminder for the ppl whore finding this
2015-01-10 - patreon post 1 -- on my writing process
2015-01-09 - i do think it is kind of interesting that the anon
2015-01-08 - bc i cant let shit like this go bc it
2015-01-05 - reading orientalism part 01
2015-01-04 - in case anyone reblogged before i double checked
2015-01-02 - soooo here is a thing i find interesting i
2015-01-01 - listening to the living and the dead -- ruminations on
2014-12-30 - musings about 'indigenous gender' as a concept
2014-12-28 - a quick FAQ for
2014-12-26 - some examples of why nbrightsnow is full of white
2014-12-25 - wait if there is compulsory femininity then
2014-12-25 - me starts writing a long post response about
2014-12-25 - it always kills me how many ppl identify
2014-12-25 - and like as someone who once dated in the gay
2014-12-25 - also like fuck white ppl and their attempts to
2014-12-20 - the illusion of power and space
2014-12-18 - concepts i'm rethinking bc of
2014-12-15 - there and back again
2014-12-14 - so i see that mentioning that emi koyama coined
2014-12-11 - meaningful accountability
2014-12-06 - teaser from my critical commentary on whipping
2014-12-05 - seriously that chapter from whipping girl
2014-12-04 - what gets me about how all the ahistorical ppl who
2014-12-04 - lol i still cant believe im seeing ppl here
2014-12-04 - like white supremacy located its philosophical
2014-12-04 - it grates me how many ppl who clearly dont know a
2014-12-04 - and unsurprisingly it is often these white
2014-12-02 - aces aromantics et al why cant we join this
2014-12-01 - you all missed my rant yesterday about some post
2014-12-01 - until twoc are the leaders of the movement we
2014-12-01 - on what i learned from riley
2014-11-30 - soooo something ive been thinking about re
2014-11-30 - pulling the threads of white supremacy together
2014-11-28 - yes i point out frequently that atesh the xkit
2014-11-28 - like some white lady seriously thought me being
2014-11-27 - im starting to have feels about how some ppl
2014-11-27 - as shitty as tumblr is the deletion of the
2014-11-22 - the whole trap thing is something that makes me
2014-11-22 - tdor and ownership
2014-11-22 - one of the things i find amusing about the whole
2014-11-22 - but really fuck that dont be rude to church
2014-11-21 - sometimes it feels like we are doomed to wander
2014-11-20 - re -- 'my ideas'
2014-11-20 - i find it sort disingenuous for non black ppl
2014-11-18 - omg how can u say that saying woman born
2014-11-18 - i feel somewhat conflicted about the whole phobia
2014-11-17 - just read an interview with the bug dont ask
2014-11-16 - why does this discredit feminism and not
2014-11-16 - lol tumblr hey laverne cox did this horrible
2014-11-16 - i rly have to know though
2014-11-16 - also i really deeply fucking hate at this
2014-11-15 - seeing some transmisogynist self defense thing
2014-11-14 - i get mad about how things are framed bc framing
2014-11-13 - wandering back
2014-11-13 - part of my problem these days is that so much
2014-11-13 - me starting to get really fucking annoyed at the
2014-11-13 - im so fucking mad about that logo and the
2014-11-13 - i hate cutesy posts about how we should support
2014-11-13 - and i find it hard to want to get involved with
2014-11-11 - next famous dystopian ya novel a hellish
2014-11-11 - i love how one of the best ways to get endless
2014-11-11 - for msot of the world trans womens entire
2014-11-06 - the funny thing about this recent post stuff about
2014-11-05 - i get pretty annoyed at the trans women and in
2014-11-05 - i dont care how many different kinds of ppl
2014-11-05 - after a lifetime of hearing brown eyes are
2014-11-03 - i wish i could be surprised at allt he ppl posting
2014-11-01 - further musings on third gender
2014-10-30 - raise ur hand if u actually know what the fuck
2014-10-30 - i get extra irritated with these poor white trans
2014-10-27 - man the only shit on asexuality that i ever read
2014-10-27 - do not forget michael brown do not forget how the
2014-10-27 - based on something i caught
2014-10-26 - reading something that sounds like it is mocking
2014-10-26 - im trying to figure out how to reply to an ask
2014-10-26 - and today is the day that some capitalism
2014-10-25 - this part of why i have zero patience for ppl who
2014-10-25 - that someone could literally assert that
2014-10-25 - i tip my hat to all the relatively popular
2014-10-25 - and this blog 1000000 supports poor and
2014-10-24 - we have anti blackness and the decontextualizing
2014-10-24 - black ppls intellectual work isnt common
2014-10-23 - white ppl alreadythink tattoos are dirty they
2014-10-23 - what is more funny
2014-10-23 - suddenly realizing why i it leaves such a nasty
2014-10-23 - so im sort of planning to go to the amc next year
2014-10-23 - seriously white people whether or not you should
2014-10-23 - rhetorical questions for white people
2014-10-23 - re the assumption of ignorance
2014-10-23 - no fuck you children arent the educators
2014-10-23 - look any credibility you may have had flies
2014-10-23 - also had a conversation last weekend about the
2014-10-22 - ill never be over some 14 white girl tring to
2014-10-21 - while i dont think seasonal allergies
2014-10-20 - so i see buddy from last night is still fucking
2014-10-20 - one thing ive noticed about those who can code as
2014-10-20 - one thing ive definitely learned is that
2014-10-20 - i also think the really important differences
2014-10-19 - ugh sometimes us non black poc are just so full
2014-10-19 - like srsly only someone white or a poc who is
2014-10-19 - it is this history that is lost with recent white
2014-10-19 - it is funny but not really how unwilling so
2014-10-19 - how we mixed with white poc behave is fucking
2014-10-19 - disability politics and mind/body dualism
2014-10-19 - believe u me when u arent white as in when
2014-10-18 - those ppl fucking sound white white disabled
2014-10-18 - just checked up white kid and this is a
2014-10-18 - i know ppl stopped paying attention to d00d a
2014-10-18 - and the nerve stop including this in your
2014-10-18 - also thinking about re mind body dualism and
2014-10-15 - not worth it
2014-10-13 - like i dont think ppl truly understand this about
2014-10-05 - updates and stuff
2014-10-05 - that stereotype threat thing again
2014-09-28 - lol @ white ppl who just don't get why they are solely responsible for the current environmental...
2014-09-28 - dear other non-Black poc'
2014-09-20 - fuck ur umbrella
2014-09-07 - three derails - a summary of newer, advanced derails
2014-09-07 - Jared Sexton on anti-blackness and the oppression olympics derail
2014-08-28 - a creeping realization
2014-08-24 - growth and accountability and history
2014-08-23 - fighting over words
2014-08-23 - ALWAYS support incarcerated trans women of colour
2014-08-20 - thing i'm really fucking tired of seeing
2014-08-09 - sudden thoughts on monkey selfie
2014-08-08 - unconscious ways that ppl still make whiteness the
2014-08-07 - some ppl i'm seeing on my dash need to spend way less time even entertaining the notion that white...
2014-08-07 - none of this is about downplaying the importance
2014-08-05 - omg. do not evne fucking get me started about body/facial hair politics/shit with twoc. fuck any...
2014-08-04 - and i really do kind of regret making my beard go
2014-08-02 - part of me is glad that it took me this long to overcome internalized ableism and actually ID as...
2014-08-02 - one thing i can always use as a sufficient measure for whether or not feminism has moved even a...
2014-08-01 - i always find it super interesting that the ppl who always end up talking about how terribad it...
2014-07-30 - oh. and for the ppl on the job post mocking me for my perceived lack of employment…. i'm sure a...
2014-07-25 - 5 random facts
2014-07-23 - basically. what i'm saying here is that the kind of environmental change we need is literally...
2014-07-12 - see this thing on tumblr. some kind of game that emulates ur abusive paretns (no thanks. do not...
2014-07-12 - on the public confession
2014-07-12 - moar thoughts on anti-Blackness
2014-07-12 - just like i'm 10000000% done with all the ppl whose analysis of oppression of the world by...
2014-07-12 - and u better fucking believe i'm 1000% tired and done with all the ~asians~ who cheerfully are...
2014-07-12 - also… this is why i dont bother with most ppl anymore. esp. the academic ones who;re all 'u need a...
2014-07-11 - a comfort to my soul
2014-07-06 - like is there a time whenever i feel like seeing
2014-07-04 - teen wolf. season 3b. orientialism and the yellow peril
2014-07-03 - seeing some interesting kind of discussion going around (again always again) about how people...
2014-06-30 - i know some ppl are goig to get at me for saying Janet Mock is Asian or could be considered b/c she...
2014-06-24 - r u str8?
2014-06-21 - The Vagaries of Having a 'Brand'
2014-06-20 - Twoc Gather -- First Post
2014-06-19 - Amc2014, Day One -- The Most Beautiful Sound in the World
2014-06-14 - Relearning the Value of Silence
2014-05-21 - on the 100 pilot
2014-05-19 - revisiting the asterisk question
2014-05-19 - captain america and freedom
2014-05-12 - one of those days
2014-05-09 - getting under the trans umbrella
2014-05-03 - on ~policing~ as metaphor
2014-05-02 - on things i already know
2014-04-30 - one reason why i like twitter more than tumblr
2014-04-26 - even when they try, failure
2014-04-25 - the question of marriage
2014-04-24 - of all my regrets
2014-04-20 - misdirected history
2014-04-17 - zomg. teh community is tearing itself apart.
2014-04-17 - so what is happening?
2014-04-14 - anachronisms, agency, and legacies
2014-04-12 - thoughts on authenticity
2014-04-11 - here is ur periodic reminder that ladyboy is a transmisogynist and racist slur. do not use the slur...
2014-04-10 - legitimacy vs legal recognition vs rights
2014-04-09 - To the anon whose question I answered earlier
2014-04-08 - orientalism and exploitation
2014-04-08 - minor benefits of knowing some philosophy
2014-04-06 - history, erasure, and
2014-04-01 - conflicts of personality
2014-03-31 - this makes sense to me on a fundamental level
2014-03-31 - any theory that fundamentally states that Black americans can never be free...
2014-03-28 - ways to not dilute and abuse anti-oppressive discourse
2014-03-28 - like, really. if we are going to start isolating and abstracting every element of heteronormativity...
2014-03-28 - chronic conditions
2014-03-24 - a first for me
2014-03-20 - sometimes, the unbelievably elementary level on which pop media is still discussing trans women is...
2014-03-18 - public and private genders
2014-03-13 - so i just saw this article on a drag queen/cis white gay man in edmonton who was recently...
2014-03-12 - on taking breaks
2014-03-07 - a sign of something gone wrong
2014-03-05 - panic about trigger warnings
2014-03-01 - r ppl srsly this confused about gender-based oppression????? men aren't harmed by the...
2014-03-01 - i will always defend the beauty of twoc
2014-02-28 - i know that not everyone who reads my posts actually follows me or even knows anything about...
2014-02-21 - irrelevant to life
2014-02-20 - finally looked into what went down in the teen wolf fandom
2014-02-16 - wandering son
2014-02-16 - juxtaposition
2014-02-15 - on competing callouts and the callout as derail
2014-02-14 - Srsly. I often wish it were just possible to walk away. to take a time out. the best i can do is,...
2014-02-14 - on walking away
2014-02-14 - it just needs to be a regular part of their character
2014-02-14 - a suggestion for ppl writing on the web
2014-02-13 - this day will be rued
2014-02-08 - thoughts on language without linguistic determinism
2014-02-07 - you heard it here first folks
2014-02-07 - on how america changed race
2014-02-07 - i always find those asks that ask me about a person's individual ID strange. only u get to decide...
2014-02-07 - how things change
2014-02-07 - even though it is tedious
2014-02-07 - acts of horizontal aggression
2014-02-03 - personal strategies to free myself or the terms of engagement
2014-02-02 - anarchists oppose hierarchal relationships and social structures
2014-02-02 - i cannot be reasoned with
2014-02-01 - western cultural imperialism and 'eastern' purity
2014-02-01 - srsly going 'how can you tell my stance on interracial solidarity' look solidarity has to be...
2014-01-29 - i sincerely hate the argument that 'ur confusing the people with the ideas' no. sorry. ideas do...
2014-01-28 - choose ignorance
2014-01-27 - the push to generalize and be 'inclusive'
2014-01-24 - on reaching the end of your rope
2014-01-23 - why i don't like this glossary of gender
2014-01-23 - follow up question on
2014-01-22 - AHhhhhh fucking white europeans who cannot get it through their fucking heads that ethnic...
2014-01-21 - on encountering a trans woman in public
2014-01-21 - a note on 'Asian' as identity
2014-01-18 - more sustained thoughts on
2014-01-17 - voices
2014-01-17 - on the
2014-01-16 - scattered thoughts on
2014-01-13 - one more step at resolving internalised ableism
2014-01-13 - my prayer for CeCe
2014-01-13 - a note to fellow light skinned/white coding poc
2014-01-12 - a reason i don't like 'grey' rape as concept
2014-01-12 - me and agoraphobia
2014-01-11 - on the enlightenment
2014-01-09 - ye olde echo chamber
2014-01-05 - class and privilege
2013-12-31 - on bad boys and sexual harassment
2013-12-30 - that mixed-with-white privilege
2013-12-29 - yes im the pretentious asshat that just fucking
2013-12-29 - i cannot understand
2013-12-28 - ontology
2013-12-28 - is education the only way?
2013-12-28 - i srsly wish i could go around and punch every
2013-12-27 - unfurling my cape
2013-12-27 - no power
2013-12-27 - artist?
2013-12-26 - on nonbinary history
2013-12-25 - this post about defaults is going around again (unfortunately) leading to what appears to be a lot...
2013-12-25 - the funny thing about not celebrating xmas
2013-12-25 - be very careful who you give your history to your
2013-12-24 - this post about
2013-12-24 - fandom and authority
2013-12-20 - on standards of beauty
2013-12-19 - sooo i just saw another thing on girls
2013-12-18 - a reminder about race
2013-12-16 - on being divided
2013-12-16 - of the things that make me bitter
2013-12-16 - like the level of white feminist discourse i
2013-12-16 - fyi ur super feminist point stops being
2013-12-14 - it is so annoying when ppl reblog your
2013-12-14 - i know i'm broken
2013-12-13 - the legal defense as moral bankruptcy
2013-12-09 - i also know one other twoc who embodies the
2013-12-06 - tagalog is such a fucking beautiful
2013-12-06 - on nonbinary 'invisibility'
2013-12-05 - i really have reached this point
2013-12-05 - an expansion on tone arguments
2013-12-04 - re transoriented
2013-12-04 - helpful hint
2013-12-04 - and
2013-12-03 - what can be known
2013-12-02 - update
2013-12-02 - on privilege as a functionally useless concept
2013-12-01 - whispers into the void
2013-12-01 - srsly binary privilege is one of those things
2013-11-30 - perpetual foreigner? what do?
2013-11-30 - anyone who wants to defend the scientific
2013-11-29 - the irony the irony of ppl not realizing that
2013-11-29 - one of the principle tenents of science is
2013-11-29 - lol ala andrea smith orientalism and indigenous
2013-11-28 - suddenly really struck by the gender stuff
2013-11-28 - on the shadows of stonewall
2013-11-28 - i'm so terrible at arguments
2013-11-27 - like really who appears to be unwilling to
2013-11-27 - im amazed that ppl seriously think that
2013-11-25 - on discussing katy perry's orientalism
2013-11-24 - even when they try
2013-11-23 - dear white ppl
2013-11-20 - reminder
2013-11-20 - also it is rather anachronistic to refer to
2013-11-19 - youve pretty much already failed
2013-11-19 - that is always what gets me about these white ppl
2013-11-19 - random thought
2013-11-19 - on being unapologetically awesome
2013-11-18 - men
2013-11-18 - im doing a bunch of laughing on the
2013-11-16 - somebody would have noticed!
2013-11-16 - a strugg appreciation post
2013-11-15 - unknowingly awkward
2013-11-15 - it is always important to remember that the
2013-11-14 - This is why I've not been engaging most of the ppl currently reblogging my posts. All the...
2013-11-14 - innocence and guilt
2013-11-14 - because i'm made of fail today
2013-11-12 - this is why ive not been engaging most of the ppl
2013-11-12 - the teenwolf fandom's dilemma
2013-11-12 - the abridged rhetorical questions for white people
2013-11-10 - dear white media...
2013-11-05 - nothing would make me happier
2013-11-05 - it always amazes me
2013-11-04 - see rumple came up with 'princex' out of some kind of urge to decolonize. as did those...
2013-11-04 - it always makes me sad when ppl can see the shit
2013-11-03 - tbh
2013-11-03 - remember philosophers know nothing about
2013-11-03 - on the socialization of bodies
2013-11-03 - Just read "on the socialization of bodies" and feel free to curse me public or private for asking, but I've always seen/heard the male/female socialization stuff come with the male entitlement argument, i.e. acquiring an attitude from being treated a certain way by society due to being assigned male. Is this just transmisogyny? or does it depend on how it's used?
2013-11-03 - it always strikes me as strange that cis feminists
2013-11-03 - further thoughts on socialization
2013-11-01 - so while im not clear that wed be able to
2013-11-01 - for my edification
2013-10-31 - update on 'trans feminine'
2013-10-31 - reminder that im a petty girl i did check out
2013-10-31 - one of the things i hate about the implicit
2013-10-30 - trying to understand
2013-10-28 - the betas of season 2
2013-10-28 - shall we take a journey through white logic?
2013-10-27 - that post should also be a subtle reminder
2013-10-27 - i wonder
2013-10-26 - may we all remember
2013-10-25 - what will become of us?
2013-10-25 - the appropriation of Black struggles
2013-10-22 - this thing called life - the poor poc university experience
2013-10-21 - while
2013-10-19 - what does need justification
2013-10-19 - ugh
2013-10-19 - the other suspect thing about call out culture
2013-10-19 - the need to justify and righteous causes
2013-10-19 - oh re callout culture yeah i can write all
2013-10-19 - ngl
2013-10-19 - i cherish my anger too much to waste it on random
2013-10-19 - generally uninterested in white nonbinary
2013-10-18 - wow. okay
2013-10-18 - one quality of many
2013-10-18 - new medication and other health things
2013-10-18 - abuse culture says 'you'll get used to it'
2013-10-17 - Why i like virtue ethics
2013-10-17 - logical mythconceptions
2013-10-17 - abuse culture says youll get used to it
2013-10-15 - but really
2013-10-12 - here is a thing i don't like
2013-10-12 - also ironic
2013-10-11 - it almsot makes me feel pity that white
2013-10-11 - but really these pro injustice warriors always
2013-10-11 - bakla isn't gay
2013-10-10 - still thinking about the 50 hot moc list
2013-10-09 - i feel so fucking dispirited and fatalistic right
2013-10-08 - see
2013-10-08 - how i wrote just a few days ago how deeply
2013-10-06 - on the politics of hate
2013-10-05 - surviving neglect
2013-10-05 - on trans(asterisk)
2013-10-05 - how to tell when your general statement is probably racist - a guide for white people
2013-10-05 - generally glad
2013-10-05 - against linguistic relativity (or the sapir-whorf hypothesis)
2013-10-04 - omg i cannot believe that some white girl just
2013-10-04 - i seriously hate it
2013-10-04 - fuck this is why history is such a critical
2013-10-03 - always good to have the reminder i guess
2013-10-03 - also realized
2013-10-02 - as a kinda reminder
2013-10-01 - another idea i've had…. one thing i've always been fairly good at is decoding...
2013-09-29 - new height of being jaded
2013-09-28 - to put it into some context
2013-09-28 - just in case anyone forgot
2013-09-28 - almost replied to that white jerkoff re british
2013-09-27 - i dont usually frame things this way but why is
2013-09-27 - a new standard is being set
2013-09-26 - in case anyone is wondering
2013-09-26 - fandom and its relationship to critical theory
2013-09-25 - about an ask on language learning as appropriation
2013-09-24 - thing im tired of seeing on tumblr
2013-09-23 - unimpressed
2013-09-22 - it really has been on my mind
2013-09-22 - A clarification on naming your oppressors....
2013-09-21 - reading this essay about math education
2013-09-19 - been a while...
2013-09-17 - on signs of abuse (repost)
2013-09-12 - my first step
2013-09-12 - Copyright, creative commons, and the state of things online
2013-09-11 - more on this later
2013-09-10 - indigenous vs. Indigenous
2013-09-08 - idky, but i've stopped posting as much here
2013-08-30 - not only looking backwards anymore
2013-08-30 - Gender - A Gentle Introduction
2013-08-24 - the interesting thing to me about saying that
2013-08-24 - recent events
2013-08-24 - am i my disability idk what does it mean when
2013-08-23 - remember
2013-08-23 - other ways asian is a disanalogy with cis
2013-08-23 - omg this is why counter factuals and or
2013-08-22 - my relationship with disability and ableism
2013-08-21 - also getting much much much better at spotting
2013-08-20 - sorrow and something i'll probably always long for
2013-08-19 - most of the worlds pollution is either directly
2013-08-18 - the problem isn't discussion
2013-08-18 - sleeping
2013-08-18 - lest we forget
2013-08-16 - A small peek into the horror that is
2013-08-15 - ur totes okay experience with ur parents doesnt
2013-08-15 - that academic machine
2013-08-15 - look, ma, i'm professional writer!
2013-08-14 - if u r part of the crowd who thinks that
2013-08-13 - look
2013-08-12 - what ppl are really not getting
2013-08-12 - so im kinda finding ppls fixation on my use of
2013-08-12 - i cant tell you the hurt it gives my heart to
2013-08-11 - remember
2013-08-09 - omg remember this post glorious
2013-08-08 - so a thought on coding vs passing
2013-08-07 - the spanish have very little good to offer the
2013-08-07 - the axiom of naming its corollary
2013-08-07 - that image really shows
2013-08-07 - sees a post dissecting why anarchism failed in spain
2013-08-07 - one of the axioms i live by
2013-08-07 - like
2013-08-07 - corollary of the naming axiom
2013-08-05 - random thought on homo nationalism
2013-08-05 - like it isnt a hard concept different
2013-08-05 - just saw something posted about eight kinds of
2013-08-05 - i guess i could clarify what i mean by community
2013-08-05 - i dont have that much use for evo social psych
2013-08-05 - because this isn't a country club
2013-08-04 - a small comment on desirability
2013-08-03 - since this is a good time for it
2013-08-03 - seriously
2013-08-03 - on commonalities between friends and lovers
2013-08-03 - it is never a good idea to ask someone with a
2013-08-03 - i also think there is a vast difference b w the
2013-08-03 - a truly ignored alpha
2013-08-02 - have i mentioned recently how much i hate
2013-08-02 - cant white ppl idk just try not being white
2013-08-02 - also to point out
2013-08-01 - remember if u r white n some1 was mean to ur
2013-08-01 - a little irony for me today
2013-07-30 - white queers not making history
2013-07-30 - of course that one post largely only talks about
2013-07-30 - just to be clear
2013-07-30 - fyi
2013-07-29 - thing i don't get
2013-07-29 - perhaps the time has come
2013-07-27 - dear researchers
2013-07-27 - a thought on something i see often
2013-07-26 - to a certain extent we are already doing this
2013-07-26 - and of course it isnt accidental that we have
2013-07-26 - again as boils down we dont have the resources
2013-07-25 - like fuck pretty much my no 1 thing that i talk
2013-07-25 - ill care about how certain people care about
2013-07-25 - i found that gq thing re tattoos
2013-07-25 - er and anyone who thinks we need a cis woman
2013-07-25 - and ya know we are all saying pretty much the
2013-07-24 - honestly im less annoyed by white suburban
2013-07-24 - but really any discussion about why gay men hate
2013-07-23 - i feel a little sad for parents travelling with
2013-07-21 - dear biyuti,
2013-07-20 - ugh and that person saying it is a trope
2013-07-20 - one thing i have very little patience and time for
2013-07-20 - ill be open to discussing how pity is bad when
2013-07-20 - and white people always seem to forget
2013-07-20 - and honestly
2013-07-19 - still vaguely annoyed by that post
2013-07-19 - probably shoudlnt have bothered with that post i
2013-07-17 - since most middle class discussions about
2013-07-17 - my thoughts on the recent tumblr stuff
2013-07-17 - anyone who hasnt actually tried to live off of
2013-07-17 - and the funny thing is that pretty much every poor
2013-07-17 - additional maybe last comment
2013-07-16 - The PEW report on LGB Americans
2013-07-13 - everyone is abusive and no one is an abuser
2013-07-10 - white expat communities are predicated on never
2013-07-10 - re the retirement thing
2013-07-10 - had an ask
2013-07-10 - cant remember if i posted about this or not but
2013-07-10 - and we can make the connections
2013-07-09 - when transmisogyny is fashionable
2013-07-06 - reminder
2013-07-06 - on feelings
2013-07-06 - don't know how to group
2013-07-04 - reminder
2013-07-03 - It hasn't been a good few weeks for
2013-06-29 - so this question of white pride comes up every so often
2013-06-29 - one of many annoying things about bootstraps
2013-06-29 - on this autostraddle piece about queerbaiting
2013-06-29 - oh. on the recent demise of bill c-279
2013-06-29 - like seriously
2013-06-29 - and
2013-06-28 - ugh the sound of whiny white people like a
2013-06-25 - welp. looks like i'm definitely not doing TO's trans march
2013-06-25 - star trek, into darkness a review (spoilers)
2013-06-25 - sometimes
2013-06-25 - so happy that i'm not longer fooled by empty gestures
2013-06-25 - love is not all i need
2013-06-25 - it is important to remember that white people
2013-06-24 - my thoughts on the Darren Criss concert
2013-06-23 - why does becoming require so much money???
2013-06-22 - so much fuckery on my dash and none of it i have
2013-06-22 - on the daily mail fox and other media
2013-06-21 - seeing another discussion about how introverts can
2013-06-21 - interestingly itd be interesting to see aces
2013-06-21 - id probably welcome all aces if they were to
2013-06-21 - cause like it always seems to boil down to the
2013-06-20 - and honestly it if fucking comments like that
2013-06-19 - one of my least favourite things about oppression
2013-06-16 - suddenly wondering
2013-06-16 - it really never ends
2013-06-15 - still shaking my head at those comments
2013-06-15 - it never makes me happy to see another person of
2013-06-15 - i officially hate everything
2013-06-14 - if you cant understand that every member of the
2013-06-14 - i suddenly wish that i could devote my life to
2013-06-14 - i mean that is what white colonialism has
2013-06-13 - sometimes i truly despair on whether or not
2013-06-13 - in fact i think im just reaching a point
2013-06-13 - facts facts facts
2013-06-12 - suddenly thinking about the idea of being 'too sensitive' when it comes to oppression
2013-06-11 - some of my mixed race feels
2013-06-11 - officially bored and tired with all the white people commenting on my tattoo post
2013-06-11 - it boggles my mind how many people seem to not
2013-06-11 - i literally cannot process the amount of
2013-06-11 - but of course
2013-06-10 - officially bored and tired with all the white people
2013-06-09 - like really this is how you know that white
2013-06-08 - the other amusing ironic thing
2013-06-08 - just read a story
2013-06-08 - because no one actually needs to take my word on
2013-06-07 - what better looks like for me
2013-06-07 - suddenly having a lot of feelings
2013-06-05 - there is a part of me that is feeling freer
2013-06-05 - one of my biggest problems
2013-06-03 - nothing quite like the realization
2013-06-03 - lamentations for the good ol' days
2013-06-03 - because we never matter just enough
2013-06-01 - never fails
2013-05-31 - the stereotypes around asians and art
2013-05-31 - thats the point of white supremacy
2013-05-31 - so yeah that is why the divisive approach by
2013-05-31 - and the nonsense as wisdom thing really fucking bugs
2013-05-31 - and of course you can only do one be one
2013-05-30 - what's this? a white trans man playing respectability politics? shocker.
2013-05-30 - tw disassociation
2013-05-28 - my brain is still internally ranting about
2013-05-28 - although
2013-05-27 - ugh speaking of reddit one of my posts on logic
2013-05-27 - romanticizing the trans native? or how to avoid a critical mistake
2013-05-27 - it is i suppose gratifying on one level to be
2013-05-26 - for the cheap seats
2013-05-26 - and i get that many trans people do have a lot of
2013-05-25 - and the thing is i get why people would be all
2013-05-24 - still laughing
2013-05-24 - like im a big lover of technology but even i
2013-05-24 - i know that lots of people think kurt tay is a
2013-05-24 - and seriously i dont care about how the galaxy
2013-05-24 - and look it is white people who use science as
2013-05-24 - and it is funny the people who go on and on about
2013-05-23 - fun fun fun
2013-05-23 - and of course this is what damage the
2013-05-23 - and it is terrible given the high amounts of
2013-05-21 - it is also some kind of irony that police presence
2013-05-21 - if memory serves janet mock was talking about how
2013-05-21 - I feel like it has been forever...
2013-05-21 - fuck
2013-05-20 - yeah probably not even worth getting into
2013-05-20 - seriously though all the white trans women who
2013-05-19 - what is interesting about the roots of the
2013-05-19 - this is also why nowadays consequentialism has
2013-05-19 - the whole ur ideas r worthless ur worthless is
2013-05-19 - the thing i dont get about white revisionist histories
2013-05-19 - seriously i cannot think of a single contemporary
2013-05-19 - one of the reasons why i prefer systems of virtue
2013-05-19 - i think
2013-05-19 - i dont really understand how white people
2013-05-19 - and it is interesting that as far as classical
2013-05-19 - although
2013-05-18 - weird
2013-05-18 - i cant even be bothered anymore about the fact
2013-05-17 - there are so many kinds of discussions and
2013-05-17 - i think the thing with microaggressions
2013-05-17 - dont know if it is a good or bad thing
2013-05-16 - noticing and paying attention to my mild
2013-05-16 - like cant we all just accept that we are all
2013-05-16 - i wonder how meaningful it is or if it is just
2013-05-16 - are we still pretending that psychology is a real
2013-05-15 - tbh id much rather talk about the ways that
2013-05-15 - okay okay i had something else p the thing is
2013-05-15 - ive said this once and ill say it again even
2013-05-15 - it is weird not weird
2013-05-15 - im really tired of seeing movies using christian
2013-05-15 - im also suspicious enough to think that one of
2013-05-15 - i hate living in a world where people have to beg
2013-05-15 - every time i see a post going around looking for
2013-05-15 - because part of what radfems and even white trans
2013-05-15 - and it isnt that i think that nothing should be
2013-05-15 - and honestly it is that one dimensional focus
2013-05-14 - hey did u know
2013-05-13 - a quick sketch of my philosophical positions
2013-05-12 - re academic citations
2013-05-12 - hey
2013-05-11 - on economic arguments for human rights
2013-05-11 - media dehumanizes
2013-05-11 - it always amuses me to see people defending
2013-05-11 - as written by someone who doesnt actually know
2013-05-11 - and of course
2013-05-10 - ugh no i cant let this go so i guess if i
2013-05-10 - tw
2013-05-10 - sees another art image type thing of cis women
2013-05-10 - sees a discussion about buddhism and rolls
2013-05-09 - on signs of abuse
2013-05-09 - grumblings about the economy
2013-05-09 - and it is funny because way back when i had a
2013-05-08 - when discussions of how necessary is feminism
2013-05-08 - oh the sweet irony
2013-05-08 - i dont think ive seen a single post essay quote
2013-05-08 - i also always wonder how much more appealing
2013-05-07 - you know
2013-05-07 - updated plan of action
2013-05-07 - the problem with logic
2013-05-07 - teen wolf - a fandom so relentlessly racist
2013-05-07 - it also amuses me
2013-05-07 - i swear
2013-05-07 - and anyone wanting to claim that later mohist logic
2013-05-05 - reclamation of philosophical spaces
2013-05-04 - so i just watched this video of jennifer
2013-05-04 - one of the biggest lies in academia is the
2013-05-03 - practised no cruelties from the people who have
2013-05-03 - i havent done an outright rant like that about
2013-05-02 - white people are so funny when you watch their
2013-05-01 - one thing i don't get
2013-05-01 - honestly? this is a prime example of how white trans women frighten me sometimes.
2013-05-01 - but yeah philosophy departments in canada and i
2013-04-30 - im glad my default presumption that all filipin s
2013-04-27 - ugh that one asian is trying and failing so
2013-04-27 - Although,
2013-04-26 - just because someone is a transmisogynist who
2013-04-25 - my brain is utterly failing to understand the deep
2013-04-24 - thoughts on neuro-diverse love
2013-04-23 - having thoughts
2013-04-23 - binarism -- myths and reality
2013-04-21 - My year in review (at long last)
2013-04-14 - that selective chopping of bell hooks essay is
2013-04-14 - suddenly struck by the notion of whiny social justice
2013-04-14 - note
2013-04-14 - abuse with no abusers
2013-04-14 - a few personal notes about the sda church
2013-04-13 - i spent a few moments looking into
2013-04-12 - ugh and seriously that post was basically it
2013-04-12 - the thing that always gets me when discussing
2013-04-12 - shall we discuss the right to free speech?
2013-04-12 - seriously het and a romantic aces telling us
2013-04-12 - remembering not to drown
2013-04-12 - i spent a few moments looking into femfuture after
2013-04-12 - how is anyone whos been following me for a
2013-04-11 - welp. there you have it. unapologetic transmisogyny. just...
2013-04-11 - it is interesting i watched one documentary about
2013-04-08 - why 'trans feminine'....
2013-04-08 - today in this biyutiful life
2013-04-08 - there is something almost delicious about being
2013-04-08 - the purpose of logic is neither prove nor
2013-04-08 - strangely (or maybe not)
2013-04-08 - open question to girlslikeus
2013-04-08 - look logic doesnt have a 2000 year long
2013-04-08 - im actually super annoyed that i allowed myself
2013-04-08 - hahahahaaha when people who clearly have never
2013-04-08 - feminism, as viewed by my rather simplistic brain
2013-04-08 - and it is white supremacist to say that the
2013-04-05 - reflections on my behaviour
2013-04-01 - there is something
2013-04-01 - it takes an interesting kind of white supremacist
2013-04-01 - i dont get
2013-03-31 - ugh. i just can't let this pass by.
2013-03-30 - excerpt from a book in progress, pt. 2
2013-03-30 - a gripe and a warning
2013-03-28 - sociology
2013-03-28 - poc and the common intellectual property of black
2013-03-26 - reasons why i'm coming to hate the ad hominem fallacy
2013-03-26 - note to self
2013-03-26 - lost years
2013-03-25 - the space between people and ideas
2013-03-25 - and anyone who has the time energy wherewithal to
2013-03-24 - yeah im that person i see stories of a racist
2013-03-24 - weve all heard the poor people shouldnt do
2013-03-24 - lol no did the patriarchy tell white
2013-03-24 - in which i win myself no friends
2013-03-24 - i criticise feminism because some feminists want
2013-03-23 - re this
2013-03-22 - too much work
2013-03-21 - whispers quietly as if telling a secret
2013-03-21 - seriously if math cannot be reduced to
2013-03-21 - on the invocation of logical fallacies
2013-03-21 - it suddenly occurs to me that it is ironic that
2013-03-21 - it is also telling that the person
2013-03-21 - im far from sciences most ardent worshipper far
2013-03-21 - actually speaking of folk science and pseudo
2013-03-20 - we couldnt have a society without
2013-03-20 - watching hawaii five o
2013-03-20 - sukoon http sukoon tumblr com asked i
2013-03-20 - said it once but ill say it again anyone who
2013-03-20 - more white logic
2013-03-20 - i think one of the most consistently amusing
2013-03-19 - what
2013-03-19 - ugh
2013-03-19 - omg
2013-03-18 - Filipin@s, batok, and appropriation of Indigenous traditions
2013-03-17 - a little bit strange...
2013-03-14 - i know i shouldnt be surprised
2013-03-12 - my ongoing thoughts about 'poc', anti-Blackness, and identity
2013-03-12 - lessons imperfectly learned -- what i've learned from @metalmujer
2013-03-11 - sometimes i truly believe
2013-03-11 - my ongoing thoughts about poc anti blackness and
2013-03-11 - laughing at that siw
2013-03-10 - transmisogyny as the foundation for transphobia
2013-03-10 - this has been going around in my head
2013-03-10 - question
2013-03-07 - so today in fucking white people
2013-03-06 - thinking on it
2013-03-06 - i just had an idea
2013-03-05 - whispers
2013-03-05 - what is interesting about the personal reflections
2013-03-05 - and that is the thing really
2013-03-04 - youve already failed
2013-03-04 - since some have forgotten
2013-03-04 - personal example
2013-03-04 - Gay community surprisingly optimistic about financial future | Money -- WPTZ Home
2013-03-03 - so that video talking about the origins of women
2013-03-03 - i think i need to accept
2013-03-02 - ugh doing those searches for tala has made me
2013-03-01 - why i refuse to link to stories about trans kids on @GirlsLikeUsNews
2013-03-01 - note to self, it is still transmisogyny when you do it
2013-02-28 - my brain is also trying to understand what
2013-02-28 - ive read enough white romances to know that for
2013-02-28 - i know it was trolling but yeah the word
2013-02-28 - huh
2013-02-28 - huh. i just realized something
2013-02-28 - and arent these the same people who came up with
2013-02-26 - wont pretend to know anything about american
2013-02-26 - as i go through my tumblr archives and delete things
2013-02-26 - and i guess
2013-02-25 - ugh i just want girlslikeus to be free to be
2013-02-24 - surpluses of love
2013-02-24 - i've mentioned before that i'm not very nuanced in my thinking this leads to me...
2013-02-23 - ugh. in which i loathe 'non-binary' people
2013-02-23 - ive mentioned before that im not very nuanced in
2013-02-22 - Australia -- Trans and intersex inclusive birth certificate amendments considered by lawmakers
2013-02-22 - 25k NHS sex change ops to turn me into Rihanna
2013-02-21 - that post i just reblogged about how white people
2013-02-21 - so. my hope for biyuti publishing, after I take care of some of my becoming related expenses (and...
2013-02-21 - musings for my tattooooo
2013-02-21 - LGBT history's unsung activist heroes -- So So Gay
2013-02-21 - Indonesia Offers 'World-First' Home For Transgender Elderly
2013-02-21 - and as ive said a billion times before i know
2013-02-20 - I think what happened yesterday is finally making me realize that I need to stop acting like...
2013-02-20 - hint i have a major preference for the relevant
2013-02-20 - but seriously this is why i never get into
2013-02-20 - also i refuse to discuss logic with any white
2013-02-19 - what helped me settle down on the poc and
2013-02-19 - there is something grotesque about all the random
2013-02-19 - that person is a good example of how liberatory
2013-02-19 - something making me mad this morning
2013-02-19 - like tagalogs especially because of where
2013-02-19 - like ill never consider myself an indigenous
2013-02-19 - i think what happened yesterday is finally making
2013-02-19 - calloutqueen
2013-02-19 - been meaning to write this
2013-02-19 - ancestors, shoulders, and our departed
2013-02-18 - you need to remember that you arent important
2013-02-18 - trying to understand the logic of someone with
2013-02-18 - i also leanred to day that asserting my
2013-02-18 - all of this is also making me wish that at some
2013-02-17 - thinking about language and how when we come to
2013-02-17 - the big reason i get super harsh with all those info graphics and job hunting advice things is...
2013-02-17 - omg that white girl seriously and you
2013-02-17 - ive said this before but it bears repeating re
2013-02-17 - in case people don't know, but isnce i feel like writing it out anyway just to make it super...
2013-02-17 - concern troll logic
2013-02-17 - and of all the lies ive told myself to
2013-02-16 - the big reason i get super harsh with all those
2013-02-16 - tattooing homework, part one the past
2013-02-16 - see how easy it is for white people to tell you
2013-02-16 - rebloggable by request
2013-02-16 - one thing ive learned about tumblr is that people
2013-02-16 - incarcerated trans women
2013-02-16 - i need to remember that i dont need to explain
2013-02-16 - and look i talk a lot about white passing and all
2013-02-16 - and if we want to talk about how being white
2013-02-15 - this is a post full of jargon and
2013-02-15 - nods yes i am pretty happy that bakla is
2013-02-15 - look when we know those of us who actually care
2013-02-14 - romance and crouching tiger, hidden dragon
2013-02-14 - im seeing some rage about the whole gender as a
2013-02-14 - a posted long delayed on the us military and
2013-02-13 - re side eye
2013-02-13 - love sonnet to
2013-02-13 - look ill be the first person to own up to the
2013-02-13 - growth, education, and community accountability
2013-02-12 - see i am for somethign like cozy femme instead of
2013-02-12 - asian masculinity, transmisogyny and my life
2013-02-12 - love sonnet to girlslikeus
2013-02-11 - okay. so i finally read the email from my mom (asking her about me as a kid) and I'm not...
2013-02-11 - officially tired of white non-binary people
2013-02-10 - officially tired of white non binary people
2013-02-10 - gender blender a story about a horrible white person who sucks ass
2013-02-10 - and what girljanitor is dealing with from the
2013-02-10 - and really how many genderessence have i spoken
2013-02-10 - and it is true been a really really long time
2013-02-10 - and fuck see this is why we should be getting
2013-02-09 - tw menstrual blood feminism
2013-02-09 - something jasminethey has recently said re having
2013-02-09 - just saw a white person mention binarism and
2013-02-09 - also sitting here trying to parse this
2013-02-05 - since ive seen a few discussions about
2013-02-05 - but seriously i really cant be in charge of
2013-02-03 - reflections on
2013-02-03 - re bds post on not needing academic shit to have
2013-02-03 - anything that ever cites the sapir whorf
2013-02-03 - also a note to white academics if you want me
2013-02-02 - In which some fucking psychologist is an ignorant piece of shit
2013-02-01 - hands that are quiet
2013-02-01 - Autostraddle — Gender Blender An Intimate Film About Life Outside The Binary
2013-01-31 - wake up call for myself.
2013-01-30 - so someone i trust has informed me that maybe i
2013-01-30 - it takes a special kind of evil to comment on a
2013-01-29 - sighs overhears some white academic
2013-01-29 - got to think about the renaissance
2013-01-25 - that post re some guy trying to deconstruct the
2013-01-24 - ugh that quotation but since ive been
2013-01-24 - to somewhat clarify movements to me at least
2013-01-24 - to make other things clear i dont like the
2013-01-24 - idk i kind of feelings movements are what exist
2013-01-24 - another thing to make clear yeah i have a
2013-01-24 - and to make everything clear i dont like
2013-01-24 - and hey i really am just talking about what
2013-01-23 - things like that job hunting post bug me because
2013-01-23 - read the most seriously ignorant conversation about third gender
2013-01-22 - tw rape police violence
2013-01-22 - Nepal is finally going to start issuing citizenship certs for Third Gender ppl.
2013-01-21 - sometimes i just dont get it i dont get how
2013-01-21 - so tired of all these super white critiques and
2013-01-21 - sadly one trans critical cis woc replied to one
2013-01-21 - on why 'TERF' puzzles me
2013-01-21 - i often well dont feel stupid exactly but
2013-01-21 - but really please tell me one more time how
2013-01-20 - and hey the idea that gender is inherently
2013-01-19 - something to remember.... on this uk news cycle of transmisogyny
2013-01-19 - i still find that there are too many people who
2013-01-18 - feel like watching a show about white d00ds and their fetishized lust for ladyboys?
2013-01-17 - on the privilege to laugh
2013-01-13 - on love and freedom
2013-01-12 - teen wolf and fandom's interaction with PoC characters
2013-01-12 - not as bad as i thought, but that doesn't say much
2013-01-11 - i love freedom or imagine that i would were i
2013-01-11 - but really what the fuck is a sympathetic villain
2013-01-10 - wow i shouldnt have answered that ask after the
2013-01-10 - not going to put this comment on the youth driven
2013-01-09 - thoughts on
2013-01-09 - additional thoughts on genderescent and genderessence
2013-01-08 - fuck i get sick of hearing shit like this (ugh, article is old, but post is already written)
2013-01-08 - discrimination as virus? er. no. bad analogy.
2013-01-07 - my mind is still blown that some white person in
2013-01-07 - meaning and tattoos
2013-01-07 - continued failures of reporting on trans women
2013-01-07 - aspirations
2013-01-06 - today in bullshit bad ideas
2013-01-05 - i can't even with this mess of transmisogyny and racism
2013-01-04 - vagaries of the past
2013-01-04 - internet popularity
2013-01-03 - things that i know (and don't)
2013-01-03 - after all these years
2013-01-02 - generally so people know my slur policies i only
2013-01-01 - i've read this three times and i still don't know what the fuck it is about
2013-01-01 - i think ive said this before re the
2013-01-01 - i dont get this whole tw that girljanitor is
2012-12-31 - tw mentions of lynching kkk and other triggering
2012-12-31 - pointless musing on not much at all :P
2012-12-31 - Oh, GLAAD, so full of fail
2012-12-31 - just saw this conservative thing asking for people
2012-12-31 - Just read some article about america and ID politics and the electorate
2012-12-31 - it is weird when i see white people creating
2012-12-31 - i keep getting so many notes from that quotation
2012-12-31 - but really one minimum thing people have got to
2012-12-30 - is race a *stupid* idea?
2012-12-30 - in my secret moments i feel powerful and a
2012-12-30 - great example of white people and their invasive shit
2012-12-30 - er... okay. no one is going to make the connections?
2012-12-30 - birthday musings
2012-12-29 - decolonizing trans/gender 101
2012-12-28 - (no one noticed or cared but me, but I wanted to clarify)
2012-12-27 - something that i think is necessary but will be tough to do
2012-12-27 - prompted by a discussion on transmisogyny
2012-12-27 - if only you could see my current face of disgust right now
2012-12-27 - human rights
2012-12-26 - the more I think about this story, the madder i get
2012-12-26 - Stuff like this always makes me shake my head
2012-12-26 - meds and ableism
2012-12-26 - how anti-Blackness is encoded in Swardspeak
2012-12-26 - closing thoughts on a longish day
2012-12-26 - black youth's pride
2012-12-25 - watching the interview with Chief Spence on her hunger strike
2012-12-25 - transhumanism
2012-12-25 - In contrast this is why i call people racists
2012-12-25 - fork mayo
2012-12-23 - In which a white lady shows her racist transmisogynist ass
2012-12-23 - how the re-branding of atheism is racist
2012-12-23 - Excerpt 1 -- for people curious as to what I'm writing about for my book
2012-12-22 - Something that interests me about perceptions of Asians
2012-12-22 - another word I think i like for myself
2012-12-21 - thoughts apropos of nothing
2012-12-20 - asian privilege
2012-12-19 - So... I just took an online IQ test
2012-12-19 - Just documenting some of the comments on the reddit thread
2012-12-19 - How to be an Ally -- Don't Oppress Me!
2012-12-18 - one reason why the media needs to do better
2012-12-18 - Dear men, you do not get to reclaim t***y
2012-12-18 - annoying thing about the Claudia Charriez case
2012-12-17 - today in things that don't impress. shit isn't this easy, buddy.
2012-12-17 - something I learned a while back
2012-12-17 - callouts and the glee of spectators
2012-12-16 - for future thought -- gender discourse beyond whiteness
2012-12-16 - close encounters of the 'third kind'
2012-12-15 - so. back from the party I was at. and. other than the two of us Asians. All white people. managed...
2012-12-14 - incoherency, disrespect, and smoke screens
2012-12-13 - as i continue to learn about nld and how i think my brain works
2012-12-12 - dear self, you are worthy
2012-12-11 - malcolm reynolds, ye olde christian puritanism, and firefly
2012-12-06 - World's First Transsexual?
2012-12-06 - on the co-opting of our voices
2012-12-04 - it is weird or something i got an ask a few days
2012-12-03 - holy fuck all the white people whining about
2012-12-02 - battlestar galatica killer robots and rationality
2012-12-01 - So… not too long ago i remember reading the description of...
2012-11-28 - wherein stereotype threat is a violent tool of oppressors
2012-11-27 - thoughts on the remake of Total Recall
2012-11-26 - random article describing the process of gender colonialism in Japan
2012-11-24 - something i wish we heard more about is
2012-11-24 - hand-fed solutions!
2012-11-22 - roads to liberation
2012-11-21 - an ode to bitterness
2012-11-19 - technical math musings on gender
2012-11-17 - a brief window into why, again, I don't trust feminists. not even trans feminists
2012-11-16 - also psa i am not a trans feminist not even
2012-11-14 - smh i followed the links to that radfem thing or
2012-11-13 - supplementary note on percentages and gender beyond whiteness
2012-11-06 - Jillian Page thinks trans rights are less important that respect and tolerance
2012-11-05 - Q&A
2012-11-05 - On debunking 'trans' myths and normalizing whiteness
2012-11-05 - In which I dismantle and mock an Albertan MP's ridiculous transphobic views.
2012-11-04 - thoughts on batok
2012-11-03 - tw for mentions of anti trans violence against women
2012-11-03 - re -- the assumption of ignorance
2012-11-02 - also had a conversation last weekend about the
2012-10-31 - western closets and silent stories
2012-10-30 - Answering Some Racism 101 Questions
2012-10-28 - psa you are never right if you are making shit up
2012-10-27 - i love that we will eliminate your gender no
2012-10-23 - my last word
2012-10-19 - crossdressing or how colonizers erase and devalue gender
2012-10-12 - mind recently blown
2012-10-11 - I'm *laughing* at the absurdity of this shit
2012-10-10 - tw misogyny trans misogyny
2012-10-10 - tonight was an interesting exercise in terms of
2012-10-10 - i notice that no one managed to reply to my
2012-10-10 - i mean it should be pretty clear by now that
2012-10-09 - that last post by ba reminds me of a
2012-10-09 - i dont think anyone was saying that tdor is a
2012-10-08 - suddenly realizing why i it leaves such a nasty
2012-10-08 - invoking white logic always gives me a
2012-10-07 - what is more funny
2012-10-07 - on the spiritual dimensions of gender
2012-10-07 - olorism and antiblackness
2012-10-07 - loling a little this morning
2012-10-07 - and seriously for all white people if your
2012-10-06 - So. This happened on Twitter last night. Just putting this up...
2012-10-06 - and seriously re that article parents do
2012-10-05 - you fail at parenting if you have to struggle to
2012-10-05 - it surprises me because ive never really liked
2012-10-05 - and look i had fucking shitty parents im not
2012-10-04 - no children aren't the educators
2012-10-04 - anyone who doesnt think that white cis r dfms
2012-10-04 - also filed under not discussing my humanity
2012-10-04 - all the white people in the third gender tag are
2012-10-03 - turning point
2012-10-03 - subtle forms of subversion and one glaring omission
2012-10-03 - It still hurts
2012-10-03 - all are human and all are worthy
2012-10-02 - speaking of the colonisation of gender...
2012-10-02 - re my 5000 00 cure
2012-10-01 - why are you surprised?
2012-10-01 - speaking of the colonisation of gender
2012-10-01 - Plan of action
2012-10-01 - note to self never go back into the third gender tag
2012-10-01 - balance and life.
2012-09-30 - re the racial hierarchy of the philippines post
2012-09-30 - look any credibility you may have had flies
2012-09-30 - lol white womans tears never fail no one
2012-09-30 - i still dont know why people bring up their
2012-09-30 - i find tumblr follow culture really puzzling
2012-09-30 - i dont understand why people disparage those who
2012-09-29 - still not impressed
2012-09-28 - all white trans men and women do when they say
2012-09-27 - plaid and cultural appropriation
2012-09-26 - re narratives of transition this is why
2012-09-26 - queer gender beyond whiteness
2012-09-25 - could you give a brief explanation about quantifiers in
2012-09-25 - 50 shades of gay
2012-09-24 - Whiteness Assigned Gender (WAG)
2012-09-24 - re a post i made a while back i made a comment
2012-09-24 - and really at the end of it all if the poc
2012-09-24 - 50 shades of gay
2012-09-23 - re discussion on drugs commiseration and common
2012-09-22 - (tw) Names of Trans Feminine People Who've Died in 2012
2012-09-22 - self diagnosis google and you
2012-09-22 - re linguistic determinism and racist logic
2012-09-22 - random thought about colorism i worked at a
2012-09-22 - like maybe one day some of us tumblr asians
2012-09-20 - it is amusing to me that the best evidence someone
2012-09-20 - i like that
2012-09-19 - may 5, pride 2012
2012-09-19 - I hate to say it...
2012-09-19 - and does it need to be mentioned that part of the
2012-09-15 - popular media thing i hate
2012-09-15 - forever laughing
2012-09-15 - did i just see someone say that arguing validity
2012-09-14 - patriarchy and colonialism
2012-09-13 - tw personal discussion of mental issues no reblogs
2012-09-13 - suddenly wondering re my discussion with
2012-09-13 - seriously not joking i need to spend some more
2012-09-13 - perspective
2012-09-12 - white anons of tumblr and other white people
2012-09-12 - where some anger comes from
2012-09-12 - trigger warnings and why they matter
2012-09-12 - pretty much anything that begins with unique
2012-09-11 - Kergan Edwards-Stout -- The Mother of a Transgender Child Speaks Out
2012-09-11 - as witchsistah astute as always pointed out
2012-09-10 - the inherent white supremacy of [r]dfmnism
2012-09-10 - anyone who calls their boyfriend an illegal
2012-09-10 - IDing as poc and being white passing
2012-09-09 - the inherent white supremacy of r dfmnism
2012-09-09 - i really have spent a lot of time thinking about
2012-09-09 - do people not understand what a simple question
2012-09-08 - what happens when I'm triggered
2012-09-08 - one thing i like least
2012-09-07 - the discussion about the variety of
2012-09-06 - thoughts on pretty/handsome
2012-09-05 - careers are exhausting
2012-09-05 - as bad dominicana often points out black people
2012-09-04 - is someone legit annoyed or whatever that blah and
2012-09-03 - trans narratives, hegemony, and the beginnings of things.
2012-09-03 - A question asked and answered
2012-09-02 - Reading Whipping Girl, Intro -- Ch. 7
2012-09-02 - Reading
2012-09-01 - Thinking about going back to therapy and maybe doing medication...
2012-09-01 - i dont get why white people cant seem to do
2012-08-29 - migration complete
2012-08-28 - Migration almost complete...
2012-08-25 - things im happy about
2012-08-25 - occasional rant on logic
2012-08-24 - tw rape prison rape jokes
2012-08-22 - mulling over the responses to my rhetorical questions
2012-08-21 - i just dont understand why white people cant
2012-08-19 - casual racism is resumes with a non white sounding
2012-08-18 - and seriously no one is really buying the
2012-08-17 - some musings on why the tattooing thing seems to get at
2012-08-16 - why is it that cultural sharing for white people
2012-08-16 - when people point out that some euro cultures had
2012-08-16 - Third genders and western constructions/appropriations
2012-08-16 - re my rhetorical questions for white people
2012-08-15 - tw abuse policing personal pet peeve
2012-08-14 - shaking hands and other shit i hate
2012-08-14 - seeing some of the responses to my hand shaking
2012-08-13 - Lip Service Isn't Enough
2012-08-13 - i cannot express the amount of glee and joy i feel
2012-08-12 - one thing i have little patience for is that
2012-08-12 - i swear everytime i see the word anchor babies
2012-08-11 - Biological Essentialism
2012-08-09 - rhetorical questions for white people
2012-08-08 - random tv thing i dont like when they put a
2012-08-08 - honestly im all about having a constantly
2012-08-08 - fyi language and common ground
2012-08-07 - post 4 on non black asian appropriation of aave
2012-08-06 - personal musings on white passing and space
2012-07-30 - why racist preferences in the white gay community hit
2012-07-29 - anyone who thinks that the extreme levels of
2012-07-28 - something that causes my heart to hurt
2012-07-25 - The Mysteries of Engagement and Participation
2012-07-24 - re saying what has been said synthesizing new info
2012-07-22 - there are serious challenges to being in a
2012-07-21 - Flipside or a dose of positivity
2012-07-16 - on getting the benefit of doubt
2012-07-16 - i have a special instantly irritated button reserved
2012-07-14 - personal but non original thoughts on tumblr
2012-07-12 - on things im unwilling to spend time doing
2012-07-09 - The colonial aspects to the medicalization of gender
2012-07-08 - stories i want to see in film
2012-07-08 - On starting to read "Whipping Girl"
2012-07-03 - A mission statement of sorts
2012-07-01 - analogies and logic
2012-06-30 - island culture and stuff
2012-06-30 - i see someone wrote some shit about
2012-06-29 - i was all geared up to write a post about colonialism
2012-06-27 - been so tired and exhausted these past few days
2012-06-26 - i see tumblr has not improved during my movie
2012-06-26 - a minor quibble on a point of logic
2012-06-21 - parallels and the lack of them
2012-06-21 - oh one last thought about parallels
2012-06-19 - maps a continual pet peeve of mine
2012-06-18 - On finding common ground
2012-06-17 - an fyi on my personal politics
2012-06-16 - is hate transitive
2012-06-14 - i think i need to ask the media to never ever
2012-06-14 - i had a good breakthrough moment the other day
2012-06-12 - irony is someone jumping in to save a notoriously
2012-06-12 - a response to an ask about psychology
2012-06-11 - people may not know this but im a very gullible
2012-06-10 - i got my first girl cut today im not quite
2012-06-10 - activism as career
2012-06-09 - on forgiveness and colonialism
2012-06-09 - my eternal shock
2012-06-08 - seriously everyone knows where the current
2012-06-08 - random note anyone who doesnt list their race in
2012-06-08 - another post on logical and arguments
2012-06-08 - also tattooing is a great example for why i
2012-06-07 - tw abuse neglect lack of support
2012-06-07 - racialized trans slurs
2012-06-07 - one thing ive learned on tumblr is that if you
2012-06-07 - diaspora home loss
2012-06-07 - a small rant about language policing
2012-06-07 - a sign of my privilege
2012-06-06 - footnote to my post about in visibility
2012-06-05 - on the privilege of being invisible
2012-06-05 - accountability post
2012-06-04 - The defaul setting isn't 'inclusive'
2012-06-04 - i shudder at the people who say that the future of
2012-06-02 - something riley said at the end of this thread
2012-06-01 - my friend actually says at one point why choose
2012-05-31 - logically consistent and other lies told by whiteness
2012-05-31 - im having some interesting feelings about diana
2012-05-29 - something riley wrote earlier has been rolling
2012-05-29 - seriously though one thing ill resent white
2012-05-29 - having a slight problem with being the only
2012-05-27 - stuff i also wrote into the whole can white
2012-05-26 - so i guess im done with my tumblr break which
2012-05-23 - seriously white people whether or not you should
2012-05-22 - i know im not supposed to post from
2012-05-21 - this conversation on clothes is giving me all
2012-05-21 - one of my random pet peeves people who write
2012-05-20 - so i just realized how incredibly tired i am of
2012-05-19 - still somewhat bemused by the anon who thinks i
2012-05-19 - im getting depressed as hell thinking about my
2012-05-18 - for lightskinned people who say poc treat them bad
2012-05-16 - my classmates make me want to scream
2012-05-16 - im processing some stuff today so bear with
2012-05-16 - i grew up in a household where even the smallest
2012-05-15 - im writing another solidarity post
2012-05-14 - the concession of language
2012-05-07 - post 3 asians and a slur starting with n and ending
2012-05-07 - i keep having this one post i wrote mysteriously
2012-05-06 - it disheartens me that so many of us keep up the idea
2012-05-06 - dear white trans women one thing we dont
2012-05-05 - ignorance is a poor excuse
2012-05-03 - in case anyone ever wonders
2012-05-03 - and yeah i did have a white person say i was lazy
2012-04-30 - safety
2012-04-30 - i reserve a special kind of loathing for those people
2012-04-29 - one thing i always wonder about but can never seem to
2012-04-28 - based on what has been happening an accountability
2012-04-28 - an interesting observation on a hypothesis ive been
2012-04-27 - the more this discussion continues the more rage i
2012-04-24 - i suppose it does need to be asked
2012-04-24 - but honestly
2012-04-23 - while id like more discussion and im open to changing
2012-04-23 - it has finally dawned on me we need the trans
2012-04-22 - on proving claims of racism transphobia etc
2012-04-21 - ive largely missed the discussion
2012-04-19 - post 1 why discussing anti blackness isnt oppression
2012-04-18 - introduction
2012-04-16 - Transition and access
2012-04-13 - a small reflection on something that makes me sad and
2012-04-09 - Further thoughts on trans* theorizing about the body
2012-04-08 - many years ago
2012-04-04 - i have so many feelings about rationality and logic
2012-04-03 - binarism and colonialism
2012-04-03 - bemused
2012-03-26 - Cartesian dualism and the trans* body
2012-03-19 - Human Safaris (also known as tourism)
2012-03-13 - Rice Queens, the colonization of the Asian body, and self-orientalizing, Part 3
2012-03-05 - Rice Queens, the colonization of the Asian body, and self-orientalizing, Part 2
2012-02-27 - Rice Queens, the colonization of the Asian body, and self-orientalizing, Part 1
2012-02-20 - Othering and Representation
2012-02-13 - Diaspora and the loss of language
2012-02-06 - The safest are the most privileged
2012-01-30 - Are there safe communities?
2012-01-23 - More on cis and trans* outside of the West
2012-01-20 - The thing about identity and/or identity politics...
2012-01-16 - More on the trans* umbrella
2012-01-09 - The distinction between gender and sexuality
2012-01-01 - Imperialism by another name
2011-11-08 - Gender Imperialism (original)