i dream of being possible

it suddenly occurs to me that it is ironic that

it suddenly occurs to me

that it is ironic that the person bleating on about yesterday how we couldn’t have society without teh ~~logic~~

actually proved my point:

that, often what is at hand, is a discussion about facts. or truth.

this person thought (likely still thinks) that there is only one logic. one system. some type of universal logic inherent in the universe.

except: there really isn’t.

unless you want to talk about mathematics, but there are actual proofs that math cannot be reduced to logic. or maybe you are talking about physics… except this can’t be right ‘cause macro and quantum physics often produce contradictory truths.

it is a fact that there is no universal logic

instead, the person choses to rely on layman myths about logic and invoke the very fallacies i criticize.

and actually thinks that they are worth time to engage
