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fuck i get sick of hearing shit like this (ugh, article is old, but post is already written)

[BBC NEWS Health Transsexual gene link identified](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7689007.stm)

But really. What meaning or value does a study like this actually have?

These are always the questions I’m left with. ‘Cause beyond the ways that true trans/HBS type people use this kind of pointless medical research as a means to legitimize themselves and control trans discourse

what value does this actually have?

why are limited resources being devoted to such a fairly trivial area of research? what do the scientists who research this shit hope to accomplish? why are white people so interested in this shit? does it actually matter or make a difference if there is some biological basis?

So tired of seeing shit like this. even if I am seeing it 5 years after the fact.