i dream of being possible

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balance and life.

this is striking a certain chord with me.


Ever since I started exploring the possibility that I have nld…

I look back at my time in school and realize that the only way I managed to do all of my degrees was by not having a social life. Like. No dating. Less than one non-school related social activity a month. I could manage as long as all I did was school and work. Nothing else.

Now that I’m done school and working… but only part time, I’m finding that it hits a decent balance. But when I was doing full time in my previous job… I was fucking stressed out and not dealing well (but this might be because I had school + full time job + relationship + socializing).

To a certain extent I’d been making accommodations necessary for my survival and success. But now that I’m not in school (well, I enrolled in a class….lol), I’m not really sure what the balance should be. I’m too used to doing school + work and nothing else. (and, while I think I new… I was inadequately prepared for how much time/energy a relationship takes).

I almost feel like going back to school b/c it is comfortable and easy. But I really wouldn’t even know what to do and I don’t want to pay any more money for white educations.